Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Coffee shop

Nov 9, 2020


I’ve always wanted to be that barista girl. The one that customers secretly have a crush on who remembers their regulars orders and knows how to perfectly execute every single drink in the coffee world. But alas, that wasn’t me. I was on the other side of the counter, ordering the same chai latte that I did every time too scared to branch out into something new. But maybe that dream was closer than I realized.

Ragamuffin Coffee Roasters is a small local coffee shop that opened in 2014 in my hometown, Newbury Park. A hub for all ages, it attracts high schoolers because of it’s closeness to NPHS, it attracts college students because of the free wifi and intimate feeling, and it attracts everyone else because of the quality of coffee and personal conversations with staff. Since I was 15 I would have meetings, coffee dates, and homework sessions within the walls of Ragamuffin. It’s white walls and comfy furniture made it easy to spend hours on end sipping drink after drink.

And here I am, fulfilling my secret desire to learn how to make coffee at my favourite local coffee shop. Who would of thought? Not me. Steaming milk, taking orders, learning the ins and outs of espresso. Labeled the new girl, but already memorizing regulars names and orders. This simple barista job brightens my week, as I look forward to seeing my coworkers excitingly yell “Vicki!” when I walk through the door. I act chill but secretly grinning underneath my mask. Things are starting to feel normal again, and it feels good.

